Scratch 3.0 Game Tutorial

Create Your Own Super Mario Game in Scratch (Easy Step-by-Step)

Here’s a step-by-step tutorial to create a platformer game similar to Super Mario in Scratch:

1. Setting Up the Stage:

  • Open Scratch and create a new project.
  • Choose a backdrop that resembles a classic Mario level (e.g., grassy field with clouds).
  • You can use the paint editor to add details like hills and pipes.

2. Creating Mario:

  • Go to the “Sprites” tab and click “Paint.” Design a simple Mario sprite.
  • Create additional costumes for jumping, walking (multiple leg positions), and falling (optional).

3. Adding Gravity and Movement:

  • Follow steps 3 and 6 from the previous platformer tutorial to add gravity and left/right movement using arrow keys.

4. Building Platforms:

  • Design platform sprites (rectangles, ledges) to create the level layout.
  • Include features like warp pipes (multiple costumes for entrance and exit) and breakable blocks (use multiple costumes for intact and broken states).

5. Mario’s Interactions:

  • Use the “Sensing” block “touching color?” to detect collisions with platforms and warp pipes.
  • When Mario touches the top of a platform (set the color to the platform top), set his Y position to stop him from falling through.
  • For warp pipes, create a new costume for Mario entering the pipe and teleport him to another location on the screen when he touches the pipe entrance (use “change x” and “change y” blocks).

6. Breaking Blocks:

  • Design a block sprite with a “full” and “broken” costume.
  • When Mario jumps and touches the bottom of a block (use “touching color?”), switch the block costume to “broken” and award points (use a variable).
  • Optionally, make the broken block disappear after a short time (use a timer and “hide” block).

7. Adding Enemies (Optional):

  • Create enemy sprites (e.g., Goombas) with walking animations (multiple costumes).
  • Use a “forever loop” for the enemy to move back and forth on the platform (use “change x” with negative and positive values).
  • When Mario touches an enemy (use “touching color?”), deduct points or end the game (use conditional statements).

8. Testing and Refining:

  • Playtest your game to check for glitches and adjust movement speeds, jump height, and enemy behavior.
  • Add sound effects for jumps, landings, coin collection, and enemy interactions.
  • Design multiple levels with increasing difficulty by adding more enemies, platforms, and challenges.

Bonus Tips:

  • Use a variable to track Mario’s lives and display them on the screen. The game ends when lives reach zero.
  • Implement a timer to add a time pressure element to the game.
  • Consider adding power-ups that give Mario temporary abilities like flying or invincibility.


This is a basic structure. As you progress, you can explore more complex mechanics, animations, and features to create a more engaging Mario-like game in Scratch.


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